Post A Scam
Scam: #1043

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/18/2010
  • Severity: 10

DR. (hahahahaha) David Gadish

So You Think You Can Teach? (Guess What?)

Los Angeles, California, 90048

For those of you who have or are currently working for Gadish Properties, and we all know who we are ~ there may be some people out there who read our posts about the kind of scandalous people the Gadish's are and think, "disgruntled employees".

Well these would be people who have not dealt with them. Haven't worked for them, haven't tried to purchase a home, haven't been another Realtor who can't get a call back from them, haven't been screamed at in front of co-workers ..... called names, etc.

David Gadish calls himself a professor. Go to You will see what people who only have to spend a few hours a week with him have to say about him.

The Gadishes treat everyone they come in contact with so rudely, they are constantly paranoid about who posts things about them. It can be anyone. Who is posting this Gadishes? Is it a disgruntled ex-employee, one of your abused current employees. a Realtor you bad mouth, ignore their calls ..... or how about the people you hire to take pictures of houses up in Northern California and only want to pay $30??

Check it out.

Also, just google them. You'll find all kinds of stuff on these people.


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