Robert G. Lee, a/k/a, Glenn Lee
Failed to finish work project(s)
Weaver, Alabama, 36277
This contractor (Glenn Lee, or Robert G. Lee), who lives in Weaver, AL....has taken
many of us Sr. Citizens (such as me) for a ride. He expects a "big" down payment
on the work project(s). And he fails to show people his bus. license, & when we tell
him that it's the law....he just "blows" up & tells many of us that he really doesn't
have to show it to us.
On top of this when you pay him what he states is the final payment, he has failed
to finish the "last" remodeling projects on my property. And I confronted him about
meeting up here to finish these projects but he keeps "lying", & not ever living up
to getting up here to finish these projects.
So right now....I want others to be warned about him being such a liar, & con
artist not finishing projects for me. And yet I know of others who claim that
he did the work satisfactorily & finishing their work projects too.