Post A Scam
Scam: #15735

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/16/2013
  • Severity: 10

Art Howe

Art Howe- Perfect Skateboards

San Diego, California, 92114

Art Howe meets women on online dating sites and quickly becomes down on his luck. He will ask for money and will promise to pay you back but never does. He lies and manipulates women for money and sex, and has done so over and over to many women in San Diego. He is so brazen, he will even continue to try and manipulate you long after you find out the truth. Don't ever trust this man or ever give him any money.

Scam Images

Art Howe- Perfect Skateboards Art Howe- Perfect Skateboards Art Howe- Perfect Skateboards Art Howe- Perfect Skateboards


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Sociopath/ scammer/ asshole
Im so disgusted just seeing his lying ass face and he has a kid to boot. Biggest loser I ever met and ripped me off on Christmas of all dates. ASSHOLE
He makes me sick to my stomach. Would love to see him so I can kick him in the balls and punch him in the face
OK we all got scammed, I also listed him on this site as Art How, Perfect Skateboards, Imperial Beach, Ca.

I am going after Art with a legal team. I'd like to get my money back, But the bottom line is that probably won't happen.

However after seeing so many posts I feel honor bound to get his guy off the street. He is taking advantage of single moms all over the county, maybe all over the country.

I have the legal professionals to go after him.

Please, if he scammed you about your relationship, that just means he's a creep. Live and learn.

If he scammed you out of $ or $$ or $$$ then that's illegal and lets GO AFTER HIM.

Contact me 650 740-6657 and we can go after him with the power of the LAW and private investigators that WE WILL NOT have to pay for since HE IS A CRIMINAL.

I am legitimate. I do not want ANYTHING from YOU, just evidence against this amazing scam artist and despicable individual.
Art has never once lied to me or my son. He takes time, but only because I have seen his business growing. To the people who are saying "legal action" is simply getting attention. All the info that has been given here seems that someone didnt get what they wanted. I have bought boards from him, and being a single mother, he HELPS me out with the price and dosent take advantage of me at all. It also seems to me that a lot of this is directed to more of a PERSONAL matter, and it thats the case...NONE of these comments describe the kind of business that Art does. So if you have a PERSONAL problem, keep it on your blogs and not on a scam site, because clearly hes not scamming me!
This is ART HOWE - Let me set the record straight . First of all if anyone has ever given me money or helped me , it was of their own accord . Secondly , no one really knows what happened , there is lots of speculation and rumors and it is all one sided! If anyone out there lives without sin or has never made a mistake , then you can judge me . Just because at one point i was single and on dating sites does not make me a bad person , everyone is on dating sites! So is everyone on there bad?

Lastly, everyone seems to play off the fact of single moms? I was at one point a single dad , was i not aloud to date? Parents have things in common , Should i have gone after married women ? I never scammed anyone -

If you want the real story or atleast the other half to a two sided story then feel free to email !

Thank you

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