Sam Zavosh
Marina Del Rey, CA, California, 90292
Sam Zavosh is a master manipulator. He tricks people into believing they need to short sale their home and makes false promises to them (such as relocation expenses, etc.). Unfortunately, as sad as it is, as soon as the family short sells their home, Sam Zavosh ignores their calls/text/ and/or denied ever promising them relocation expenses. People like this make me sick to my stomach. Sam Zavosh likes to manipulate people into doing whatever benefits Sam Zavosh. He personally promised me 30 percent of the buyer's side commission on 14300 Killion St. Sherman Oaks, CA 91401. As soon as the transaction closed, he refused to answer any of my calls or texts and completely ignored me. To anyone who reads this, never trust Sam Zavosh and beware of his manipulations. Also, just to add proof to the story, I have attached a conversation via text I had with Sam Zavosh! Sam Zavosh = SCAM ARTIST!