James Montanus
Thank you Who Scammed You
Boca Raton, Florida
I would like to thank you for your website: WhoScammedYou.com
I was going through with a business transaction with a person I found on your website: James Montanus of Boca Raton, FL. I had entered into an agreement to purchase 2 Apple Computers, 10,000 memory cards and some outdated memory boards from Mr. Montanus. Before I had done this transaction which was going to me in the amount of $11,000.00 I did a little research and found a post from May 10th 2013 on your website. I did not know that Mr. Montanus had been arrested and had defrauded individuals before but I knew something was fishy about him. Let me tell you that I did not go through with the transaction even though Mr. Montanus had pleaded with me that the posts he claims were false. I further uncovered he had indeed been arrested and hurt many south Floridians. If it was not for your website I would have most likely been taken for as he did not have all the products ready at time of transaction. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am sorry about what happened to the other poster but am grateful he/she spoke up because if I had not seen this I too would haven fallen victim to fraud. I can't thank you enough! Here is a picture from Mugshots of James Montanus for anyone who may fall victim. Let's put a stop to his malicious business practices that Mr. Montanus can not get away with this anymore. He really belongs in jail indefinitely.
Jared B.