Palmdale Regional Medical Center
After coronary neglect/lousy nursing
Palmdale, California, 93550
I had a bad experience with a Labor Day simple blood draw when the hospital saw my insurance as an ATM and were awful.
In September I moved from stage 3 to stage 4, double renal disease. One of the symptoms is coronary issues. I had a Congestive Heart Failure. I always pack both an overnight case and a train case and give any Rx the hospital may not provide, my bottles which are supposed to be kept in the hospital pharmacy in my drawer. I had a ventilator tube shoved down my throat and no time for giving over my Rx. Now, ten months later I talk softly with a rasp. I used to do 5-3hour classical music shows in Manhattan radio.
During my treatment, my paid caregiver which Powers of Attorney could only communicate with me via my blinking my eyes. He had a 4 hour meeting with a Dr. Chow, pleading that my nephrologist in LA was sitting my the phone awaiting either a phone consultation or my blood work ups. It is ILLEGAL to not share medical records with another professional medical doctor, especially one of LA's very best. Chow reneged. After a week being stonned and on the tube it was finally removed. I asked for a sandwich and was told:: "We are newly on computer an no one knows how to work it to get you one. That wss the answer for two days of requests. I never saw a doctor in my room the last two days. At 7AM, shift change, the new aged Hyspanic nurse was rummaging through my LV luggage sans my permission. She found Nexium and screamed "contraband." She dumped the bottle into her gloved hand and Itold her to throw them out as she contaminated them. I had no idea where, besides my luggage, her gloved hands were. I took out my catheter, pulled out my telementry and IV drips and threw her out. I asked for the busy Charge Nurse and said on my first visit to the facility, they wanted to transfer me to Cedars--Sinai, I requested a transfer and was told about the no one knows the computer system. I have an ileostomy having lost my large intestines. It is a pouch which must be emptied regularly. This facility on my first night at twio AM called my caretaker to apply a new pouch. He knew I had my equipment with me, but no one knew how to change it. My last night at morning;s 7AM, the pouch had become over filled from the excess IV fluids and I was laying in my own mess the nurse ignored totally. She brought a tray selected cardial/renal items I could eat, including awful coffee, the scent making me green, she would not remove the coffee so I threw the tray on the floor which she did not clean up. An American physician from my first visit stood at noon, outside my room to see if the transfer was working. I told him the Palmdale facillity could not get the computer to work, so my care taker would drive me when I was formally released. No doctors came in my room that day, whatsoever, and at 1PM an Indian physician stood outside my room, yelling: "I cannot get you a bed in Cedars as I have none available." I yelled back with a very weak voice that he had absolutely nothing to do with my privateJewish owned hospital and what scam was he pulling. I told him Cedars would triage me, and if need be put me on a bed in the ER halls, often done at the busy primo hospital. This Indian physician goaded me every time he saw me go out to the Charge Nurse who was ultra busy, but tried to no avail to help me. At 5PM, having seen no physician, I signed myself out AMA, this physician goaded me 4 more times for if I made a scene, he coould pull a 36 hour psychological evaluation in the psych ward, so I kept my cool. Went home and no one mentioned any medications, especially Plavix, a blood thinner. They did put a stent in my artery. 5 days later I knew I was having a Mayo Cardial Infarction I awaited till drive time was over and slowly packed my luggage. I could not breath. I asked my caregiver to drive me to Cedars as it was an emergency, but no need to go crazy and rush.
Many people asked me why I did not sue the facility Simple, in 1977 CA adopted a little known law that for punitive damages, one could not get the customary 10x damages, but a maximum of $250,000.00. Not worth the fight and few lawyers would consider a case for their output would be great and not worth their time.,