DUPREE TEAM KEYES linked to LINDA K.RISDEN and client fraud
Marta and Neil Dupree
and the Keyes Company
I have emailed your firm once before as to the Use of my web site of www.SoFloridaHomes.com and instructed you to remove any and all marketing of link to my site. If the permission came from Linda K. Risden or aka Linda K. Beaver, please be advised that M. Risden was fired from my company for her admitted embezzlement of over 89 home owners and investors. As a part of Ms. Risden agreement with my company she agreed never to access the companies web site, client files or client social security information again. Ms Risden agree to repay the embezzled funds in excess of $87,000.00 along with another $9,000.00 in credit card fraud on clients. we have force Ms Risden to remove her name and any reference to my company web site, but she continues to access and attempt to use the site as she attempts to go under the name of Florida SE Realty with a address that is 6900 NW 30 Ave Fort Lauder-dale which turns out to be the Town-Home of her Daughter whom was convicted of embezzlement and grand thief
Ms Risden agreed to all the terms to avoid grand Thief charges by her own husband the owner and founder of the company. Home owners them selfs file a grand thief police report with Broward Sheriffs Department and days later Ms Risden daughter Bridget Lynn Massey was arrested for her part and charged with Felony Grand Thief and Ms Risden fled South Florida and stated she will never return. Ms Risden is living in Hinesville Georgia as she lives on government assistance which just happens to be across the Florida State Line to avoid legal action and service and as she fears her own arrest, The daughter Ms. Massey plead Guilty to Felony Grand Thief and was sentenced to 10 years under Broward County Corrections and order to repay $40,000.00 plus fines and court cost,
I have had the pleasure of work with Marta in the past along with my long Trans-Eastern Homes and threw my broker firm and Re/Max partners with Larry & Ray. I asking you to remove you connection, links from my site and distance your self from Linda K. Risden before she damages Your Company name and reputation as well. if your firm does not remove you connect by December 15th of 2013 a law suit will be filed and I will posting you companies connection with the crimes with Linda K. Risden.
We took a oath to protect the public and Linda K. Risden violated that trust when she embezzled our clients. and she admitted to her husband she took the funds and ageed to repay the money before she fled South Florida : see the Broward Grand Thief Reports filed by home owners and then ask your self how or why you would be connected to Linda K. Risden
I hope you under stand my request and please remove your posting from my site and at this time I have chosen not to engage in the real estate market until the company name is cleared and there is no connection to Linda K. Risden
The DuPree Team (954) 752-1986
Email: dupree@dupreeteam.com
Keyes Company Realtors
2920 University Drive
Coral Springs, FL 33065