William Hogarty
Stolen Trust
Pleasanton, California
This post is to thenextsecretmillionaire! Scripture does say"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! But since you know scripture so well then you know it also says that every man will be held accountable for his actions. I cant believe the lies Bill told today at the meeting of creditors. He was asked how he was eating and he said eating with his father. Stupid! When one couple brought up the fact that Christy has a home in her maiden name that he conveniently forget to list he also forgot that California is a community state so if the property is hers and shes his wife then its his too. Id further advise all who came to meeting today to make sure you get those objections to the trust bankruptcy trustee. JOHN KENDALL 2601 Blanding Ave.Bldg#C Suite110 Alameda,CA94501 also telephone is (510) 523-9821