Oasis Dancer NOT SCAM ARTIST!!!!
There is always THREE sides to a story...
atlanta, Georgia
CONTINUED FROM SECOND ENTRY...All these PREDATORY CUSTOMERS have the same exact trait in common.They ALL use their money to lure in,manipulate & capture their target.At first,they come in here & shower the girl with EXTREME amounts of money,claiming that they want NOTHING in return but nto know that they are helping.They continue this for awhile so that the girl gets use to the money & gains her total trust by doing so.Then,what they do is,they pull back their money in order to get more from the girl whether it be for sex in the VIP (WHICH IS NOT PERMITTED & IS ILLEGAL!) or most usually to get the girl to committ to seeing him outside of the club so that he can show her off to family/friends & basically have her all to himself instead of being under constant scrutiny at the club by the rest of the establishment.It is STRICT knowledge that dancers ARE NOT PERMITTED to see customers outside of the club,while at the same time it is common knowledge that EVERY CUSTROMER that is a regular has tried at least once to get the girl to hang outside the club with him.Now with this customer & Jamie it has become very evident to a lot of us here as to what has been going on in this situation,not only from his BLACK WIDOW post,but also from mere observations.This customer came in here & ended up totally smitten by Jamie's beauty & personality & got his sights STUCK on her.Then for almost TWO YEARS he came in this club(REMEMBER I WAS HERE,SAW HIM COME INTO THE CLUB 3 MAYBE 4 DAYS OUT OF EVERY SINGLE WEEK FOR ALMOST TWO WHOLE YEARS!!! I SAW HIM SPEND THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON HER IN THIS CLUB DURING THAT PERIOD!!! He TOTALLY MONOPOLIZED her time while she was here during her shifts.Whenever she wasn't on stage performing she was sitting at his table with him the ENTIRE 6-10 hr shift that she was working.It got to the point to where her other customers that she had before him began to vocally express their disapointment in not being to spend any time with Jamie because that other customer was always buying her time.Due to that she ended up losing all of her regular/repeat customers.I know because like I said earlier,I WAS THERE & WITNESSED it with my own two eyes.Plus it is now common knowledge here within this establishment because a lot of her regular customers ended up going to other girls who then in turn would gossip about it.The bottom line of it all is this...I know Jamie Suggs & have known her for quite a number of years now.I also know this customer & have spoken to him.NEVER ONCE has there been ANY negative complaint made against Jamie.She has maintained an impeccable reputation in this club & around the Adult Entertainment Industry here in Atlanta,Ga.CONTINUED...........