Post A Scam
Scam: #2738

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/20/2011
  • Severity: 10

Mike Zavala

Mike Zavala is a Huge Scammer

Boynton Beach, Delray Beach, West Palm Beach, Florida

Mike Zavala is a greedy, and clueless scammer. He is married to Maria Zavala. However, I believe I supported his hooker habit for over 8 months because he is a flat broke loser!!

Mike approached me with a sport management company idea where he had relationships in place with Anibal Sanchez, Ramon Hernandez, and Miguel Cairo.. All MLB players. He needed some funding, which I reluctantly gave him, to entertain these guys until we made commission money was owed. All of it was completely made up and false. I guess these players realized how big of a f*cking idiot he really is before I did!

One tactic he will use is making you believe you are going to lose business if you do not do what he says.. Don't fall for it, I did! It will be complete BS! He will also use his own kids medical bills as an excuse to extort you for more money..

What he doesn't know is he will be arrested shortly and facing criminal charges in a Federal Court.. Hopefully his future will entail getting his ass handed to him behind bars!

Oh, I also run and I still got scammed. It can happen to anyone, and that's why you have to continue posting scammers to this site.. Warn others! There was no information about this guy on the Internet, but NOW THERE IS!!

Feel free to email if you need further information..


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If you run WhoScammed You then why are you posting this as Anonymous? Just wondering.

I also got scammed by Mike Zavala. He claimed he was doing me a favor by allowing me to invest with him and that I need to send him money very quickly through wire. He claimed if I didn't send him the cash right away that I would lose out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After sending him the money, I never heard back.

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