Post A Scam
Scam: #3143

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 06/15/2011
  • Severity: 10

Michael Hamilton

Romance scammer

Los Angeles, California

6'2, Black/Latino male, light skin, big nose, black short curly hair. He says he won this construction contract from Ghana worth over $1 million dollars. He will say to you that someone broke into his Bank of America account and he is presently working with the bank. This little shit has been using this story since 2001 and is selling this same story to vulnerable women. He claims he is from the Bronx. His father was killed by family members and his mother died of natural causes. He also says,"his sister was killed in a head-on-collision, because she owe money on loans she took out for him." Guys don't be fool by this loser. He is very imature and tries to imitate a baby voice to get your sympathy. Michael Hamilton is based in Africa. He is in either in Ghana, or Nigeria. He is a good manipulator, if you are freshly out of a relationship and looking for love. Please don't fall prey to this loser. He takes advantage of that and uses it to his advantage. One more thing, The guy you are speaking with on the phone is one guy but the one that may show up is another he is based out of Los Angeles and he looks like a gang member. He claims to have an expedition and Acura, it is not true. It is not his vehicles. He has no college degree in Civil Engineer, he is not good looking, he is using fictitious photos to really get you. He thinks women in the south are weak to light skinned brothers. So beware. He is a true scam. He stalls alot. Many excuses as to why he is not wjhere he should. He has many kids. He has stolen, killed, harassed, threaten, and held someone against their will. He is a true criminal and needs to be caught...All of the numbers he will give you are international numbers, so, that should raise a red flag, that he is not what you think. His last contact number was 011233548306855 and email is or was has aliases Paul Carter and Michael Baylor. Get this criminal where he belongs, in jail. I will try to load a photo soon.


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