Jefferson Keith Langley/Ima Watkins
Spiritual Con Artists
Beverly Hills, California, 90210
Jefferson, It's very cute how you keep responding as "L.J." We all know you & Ima have conned so many people out of their hard earned money it's beyond imagination. "Oh, How sad, you don't want your "Friend" getting used by these people. We all know it's you trying to find out whom all is reporting the truth about you. Your trying to defend yourself against the truth.
It's actually quite sad how your trying to justify your lies, & deception with trying to get "Your friend" to see the truth. Please. There are people whom have posted their username,etc. I myself am sick of dealing with all the crap I have since your ruined my life & the lives of other people.You truly admitted whom you are when you said your number,etc were listed. Yes,as Jefferson duh! You actually tripped yourself up & you aren't fooling anyone. The truth is there's so much evidence against you & Ima which I'm sure you will be thrown in jail with her within the next year.It's sad your so LAZY that you won't get a "Real" job instead of conning people.Why do you claim to be a "Psychic/spiritual counselor?"
Get your life right & stop screwing people. Here are some clues about me. I'm over 6 Ft. tall.,& have dark hair.I'm older than you. I also know better than to keep giving you money for your booze,drugs,& cons. Seriously,dude get rid of the old battleaxe & get a clue. "Hint,(Being involved with criminals will eventually get you fitted with a nice jumpsuit."
Good Riddance. M.