Post A Scam
Scam: #3236

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 06/27/2011
  • Severity: 10

Christopher Perez

Christopher Perez stole employees' money and brokers' fees. Christopher Perez is at it again!

Norristown, Pennsylvania, 19401

Christopher Perez stole money from employees and brokers and used it to buy cars and homes for himself. He claimed to be a commercial mortgage lender but wasn't. His company Commercial Loan Consultants trading as Commecial Loan Capital (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH OTHER COMPANIES THAT USE THE "CLC" ACRONYM) claimed to be insolvent and never paid anyone. This company has just resurfaced in Email solicitations. Please verify that Christopher Perez is not a part of any loan you may need. He has law suits against him in Montgomer County and Philadelphia County PA.

He now claims to be the national sales manager of Sensible Credit Solutions in Norristown, PA, a collection agengy. Someone should report him to the company he works for. Maybe all those employees will get the money he owes them.

Recent Emails he has sent reference Ocean View Capital, another company he owns. He is trying to hide behind another company name so he can steal even more money.

Any company with his name attached is a SCAM!!


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Please feel free to contact me: Christopher Perez Oceanview Financial 45 East City Avenue #412 Bala Cywyd PA 19004 (610) 667-2905. When the market crashed the real CLC went under and we all lost money, myself everything. Two disgruntled contractors sued me after I taught them an industry and made them a significant income for years. Ultimately the "mastermind" behind all of this stole the CLC acronym and started another company month months prior to the law suits. No good deed goes unpunished and people don't take shots at losers. I am a very public figure and stand behind my reputation. 2 law suits when I worked with over 15,000+ brokers over the years and made money for all. Now we have new programs and many of my reps have come back. So Mr. Anonymous take your cheap shots. I am here. Let's go on TV.
Chris Perez also scammed me. DO NOT get involved with this guy...he is bad news.
I have worked with Chris Perez and the following is true.

Chris doesn't take advance fees.

Chris taught hundreds of brokers how to make more money (thousands probably).

Like everybody else in commercial real estate, Chris went broke in 2008. Unlike Mr. Anonymous, Chris will get back on his feet and be successful again because he doesn't waste his time spreading negative energy and dwelling on the past.

If you guys in this blog were really scammed, then post your real names. That would be the first sign that you might have a shred of credibility.
Are you kidding me? how many people did Chris "steal" money from before CLC went under? ZERO!.... when the lending market failed and CLC went under in 2008, EVERYONE LOST. The trail went all the way up to the US government, don't point fingers at Chris for his business going under due to the economic environment. We all lost money and now we dust ourselves off and rebuild, we dont go after the people who made us money in the first place!
Chris Perez is a rodent. This guy has a serious criminal background and has dozen of liens and judgements against him from the IRS and numerous people he has defrauded. He will rip off whoever he can. Anything he touches is garbage. Believe nothing good about this guy, it can oly be more lies. Beware Chris Perez.

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