Christine Sierra Love
Cash Gifting
Nashville, Tennessee, 37210
You know what I can't believe people.... They is really taking up for this woman. Wow....this is unbelievable. She took food out of your kids mouth and she took money out of your home. She took from the elderly. This woman is a thief, scam artist, and she stole money from people that was expecting some what of a return but to get nothing and she leave with over a $100,000 dollars. Yall must be crazy. Gene 21 need to get the hell out of here. I was told that you is Christine Sierra Love. One thing I want Ms. Love to know is that I know what you look like and I know where you live at. So you better watch out because you stole a lot of money from people . I want justice and I won't stop until I find you. I hope you are repenting right now because there are 7 things that God Hates . Two of them is a liar and a prideful person. You are operating in both, Christine you need to get yourself together and give people their money back. Justice will come, either by the authorities or God HIMSELF.....