Post A Scam
Scam: #3762

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/15/2011
  • Severity: 10

John T. Deminico

Need to borrow $30 payback $1000

Plaistow, New Hampshire, 03865-2621

He needed to borrow $30 to get his credit scores from and he would pay $1000 if anyone would help him out. So, I'm getting even by posting here and on several other sites so this scumbag won't be able to do this again to anyone else. I'm also selling his personal info to several individuals looking to get credit (he does have excellent credit).
Here is his phone number (this moron gave it to me)- 1-774-417-1946.
The jerkoff even gave me his SSN (call me if you want it 1-201-433-2802)


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  • quilan
  • Submitted: 09/15/2011
Sorry! This *ssh*le is from Plaistow, NH, not NJ. He also has a residence in MA.
  • gaboy
  • Submitted: 10/08/2011
I have a ad looking for a loan shark and i recieved and email with this number.
ROFLMAO!! Let me see if I understand this: he would pay $1000 to get his credit scores but he didn't have $30 to pay the company for the credit report??? How the hell does that work out? I believe $30 is smaller than $1000. I may be wrong but this would have sent the red flags up on my head long time ago.
I'm still trying to figure out how exactly this is a "scam"... How did your $30 get scammed from you? Did you really think the guy would give you $1000 to get his credit report even though he full well knew that he could get one for $30 himself? Actually I shouldn't be judgmental... I'm kind of hungry.... II'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today. Whaddya say quilan?

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