Post A Scam
Scam: #3819

Scam Alert



Ciaret Lemercier Practice

Transfer Acceptance Act

Budapest, Europe, H-1052

I received a "Payment Issuing Order/Fund Transfer" for $99,500.00 from a company by the name of "Ciaret Lemercier Practice." The "Paying Treasurer" was listed as "T. Sanders." The papers showed no company address or telephone number, or email address - nothing. It is very official looking, except that the only address was on the return envelope: "POST ONE, Gerloczy utca 7, H-1052 Budapest, Hongrie." The Order said that they would send me $99,500.00 "already made out in my name" within 48 hours after they had received the "Transfer Acceptance Act" form which I was to fill in and send back immediately with my check for "the modest sum of" $35.00. An official looking stamp with logo in the upper right hand corner reads, "TRANSFER GUARANTEED IN DOLLARS" and is marked, "Certified as Confirmed and Authentic" and signed by "Paying Treasurer - Mr. T. Sanders". This would appear to be a scam and a fraud. What is your opinion? I may be naive, but I am not 100% sure of its validity or authenticity. Please provide me with a learned opinion.


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