Post A Scam
Scam: #3904

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 10/01/2011
  • Severity: 10

Amos Nichols

Sob stories to get your money - +++++

Tucson, Arizona, 85718

Not only do Amos Nichols, and his wife Tina, of Tucson, AZ beg everyone they know for a loan they will never pay back, they are on welfare, and both get paid over 1500 DOLLARS a month from the government as "disabled veterans" when all that disables them is their current drug use. Amos gets jobs where he has access to people's homes and apartments and steals jewelry, cash, and anything he can get his sticky fingers on. These people are pure evil but they go everywhere from churches to elderly people as their prey. Amos is currently the maintainence man at Rio Vista Apartments on River Road - if you live there ask management to be sure he can NEVER access your apartment. These people are true sociopaths and their agenda is to take ALL they can from every victim they can find. They don't care if they work your grandma out of her last penny so they can buy more drugs, all the while saying they "need to feed their family". If you live in Rio Vista and have money, jewelry, or valuables missing, Amos is who took it and sold it. So please be careful. He has hurt everyone that I know he has come into contact with and his self pity is unbelievable if you think about it, but with a grown man crying when he tells you it is hard not to fall for his schemes. He also sends his kids and his wife who always wears ace bandages up to at least her elbows on both arms -- another story .. just don't be fooled!!!!!!!!


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