Post A Scam
Scam: #3977

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 10/09/2011
  • Severity: 5

Michael Cantrell

Michael Cantrell is a SCAMMER!!

Maui, Hawaii

Michael Cantrell pacific dreams podium speaker that just takes people’s money and shows no effort on doing the services he says he provides.. he works for Pacific Dreams located in hawaii, We complied with all of their requirements and he just took our money but did not help us. what a ripoff and a scammer . stay away from Pacific Dreams if you don’t want to lose your hard earned money and avoid doing business with Michael Cantrell . He jumps from company to company and scams people - he has videos on youtube AVOID THIS PERSON HE WILL RIP PEOPLE OFF AND IS A TOTAL SCAMMER!!


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The troll responsible for this phony complaint is Ari Daniels, AKA Sebastion Morrad, and is a wanted criminal operating in Las Vegas under the business Elite Destinations/Penguin/Elite Luxe

The truth is, Michael Cantrell is a trusted public figure in the travel industry, and has serviced thousands of satisfied customers through the years. You can check out some of his customer testimonies on "globalreppro"

Ari Daniels tried to recruit Michael Cantrell to his Las Vegas operation, and was successful in getting Michael to come for an all expenses paid visit. Once Michael arrived, he began to research the company, and the owner Ari Daniels. Upon his research he found that the company was a total scam, and that Ari was not running a legitimate business under Nevada law, and decided to report the operation to the Federal Fraud Department/Homeland Security.

There is currently an investigation going on to bring down Ari Daniels, and his houligans. If you have been a victim of this Las Vegas criminal, Ari Daniels, or Elite Destinations, please contact your local police department, and or FBI immediatley.

Ari Daniels and Elite Destinations are currently trying to move thier scam operation to Hawaii, and have targeted a company called Pacific Dreams who is currently the only travel agency operating in Lahaina for decades. Michael was hired by Pacific Dreams of Maui to document customer testimonies, and put a stop to the online spamming from Ari Daniels, and other low lifes trying to hurt this local Maui company.

If you need more information, or would like to join the cohalition to bring down Ari Daniels, just google "Ari Daniels, Elite Destinations"

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