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Scam: #4098

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 10/22/2011
  • Severity: 7

derham novus middletong griffiths

derham dereham middleton griffiths novus durham

london stockport, LCN

If middletong and girffiths are truly innocent why are they setting up companies called variations of Novus in different towns in the UK? This isnt very "normal". Why be closing one in Salisbuyr whilst opening anothe rinStockport or closing another etc. The timings are odd also - why open another when you have a court order against one in a different town? Why the secrecy? None of it seems transparent. If they are innocent victoms and have lost all their savings, why open new businesses called Novus IR the same week as you get court orders , but in a different town. They are the directors. Why do this? Where is the transparency? Would they like to comment why they did this?


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  • A.L
  • Submitted: 10/22/2011
Be surprised if 'scammed person' or ' injured party' have an answer for this.

I would appreciate an explanation as to why/ how Cameron Hunt went from a decent building company then, what seems overnight, turned into a fucking joke. D Churchill dissapears, derham, pete and gary take over, novus is born and immediately starts sinking. An honest timeline of events as they happened please.

coming up
July 2009 Cameron Hunt has cash flow problems but is owed 600k+
Aug 2009 Darren introduced to Derham through Yeldon whom he met at Salisbury rugby club.
Sept 2009 Derham involves himself with promise to turn company round and go public within two years.
Middleton made director of Fleming Capital assets one of Derham company names
Early 2010 company move to Amesbury offices unknown that they are leased to Yeldon and rent not being paid
.Now called the Cameron Group directors Middleton and Griffiths, Darren Churchill
Jan 2010-July2010 Derham has used most of the companies assets as collateral against loans of 450k this and o/s monies disappear.
Another company Flag enterprises suddenly owns the properties of Cameron Hunt. [directors Middleton and Griffiths.]
the monies from this disappear into a derham ,account wages tax and suppliers not getting paid,Darren kicks up a row with Derham and Middleton and is frozen out by them and asked to give up director ship under implied threat of jail [as lyingly told by Derham ]for mishandling company,
Darren in fact banned from the office and had no say in the running of company from approx June 2010.
July Sept2010 approx Novus group appears and all business seems to transfer to them.,with Middleton and Griffiths running the show Being "advised by Derham"
The companies with this lot are
Fleming Capital assets
Cameron Hunt Group.
Flag enterprises.
Novus intelligent Construction
Fire and Flood Ltd
and now another Novus????
Of these Darren was effectively cut off and bills run up in his original company names .
All this was being controlled by Derham using his puppets Middleton and Griffiths.
What surprises me is the negligence of these two whose names are on the company register not Derham though who never puts his name to anything.
Also have to ask why the senior managers of the various departments didnt ask what the hell was going on.
There appears to be missing amounts of about £1 million and nobody got paid,
Darren lost his business ,wife .home and reputation through this evil man Christopher Derham Deraham Durham.
PS Derham seen driving an Aston Martin two weeks ago .
Anonymous & anonymos one - you obviously have a big beef with Novus - if you ring your local economic crime unit or the one in Wiltshire, they will be happy to speak to you as there are various ongoing investigations into the novus/durham/derham/dereham fraud. You seem to have lots of questions and seem to be getting no answers from your postings.
Please remember here, everyone is a victim of Chris Derham/Dereham etc. This man is a cold and calculated fraudster who is able to manipulate people and turn and use them to his advantage. He has now run upon individuals who will stand against him.
Be under no illusion if you feel hard done by, rest assured this man will get all he deserves. Everyone be cool and let justice serve, as once said "justice comes in many forms, not neccesarily with a badge"
Let the good prevail
Oh and I forgot, by the way Chris, I AM watching you.
Not everyone is a victim. Some people lost a lot of money and other people gained a lot of money over the last 2 years. The losers know who they are, I am one of them. Look for the people who did not lose money: Aaron Guidice and Apploors, Claire Jacobs and and Derham personally. If Middleton and Griffiths benefitted personally then shame on them but I think you will find they did not. The Police are investigating all of this but I think it is important to keep reminding people who the bad guys are so that there are fewer future victims

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