chris derham pjilip easter
chris derham philip easter
london, LCN
What does anyone know about Philip Easter's involvement wtih Chris Derham?
Easter is ex board director (finance) of Aviva, major insurance company. His CV looks great on paper. But he seems to be a director of dozens of companies -so many no-one could effectrively manage these roles. Hes now involved in property.
Derham and Easter turn up at meeteings to discuss the sale of Derham run companies and mergers and acquisitions.
What does Derham have on Easter? When Derham goes on about he is funded by a major insurance company, was Easter somehow involved via Aviva?
Why is Easter messed up in all of this financial mispractice when he appears to have no need to be? He was a senior finance director at Aviva - he would have enough financial knowledge to knwo the Derham companies are all scams.
Somehow or other Easter is muddled up knowingly in this as well. Hes too good to not know what is going on and it aint possible to be an innovent bystander as a former top finance director now involved in m&a for derham without knowing whats going on.