Nelson Duke
lagos, Edmonton, Canada
First he tries to befriend you through facebook and then requested to communicate through email rather than facebook. After a couple of email he start declaring his love for you, his undying love. In the mean time he is talking about his contract that he is waiting for the material to come in. and then he will complain that custom is holding his shipment and he had to pay an Xamount of money. For example he needed to pay custom $20,000 to clear his shipment. He has only $18,000 and if i can lend him the difference and he will pay me back when he finish the job which will generate $400,000 And of course i did not believe him. By the way the picture he is using on facebook doesn't go with his voice. So i am thinking he is using someone else picture and that person should be notify. Anyway i wrote him that i will notify the authorities abouit his scam. I Never gave him the money