Nkeonyeasoa Okeleke
RE FORUNE:===========08-12-09.
Lagos, -- Nigeria
Attn: Dear Friend,
I am Alfred Michael an attorney at law to the late Mr. Seymour, who died in a car crash with his family in Benin expressway on august 21 2001.He left behind a deposit of ($7.41m) here in a Finance Security Company and I hereby seek your consent to present you as the next of kin since you have the same last name and I have the documents that would confer you the legal right for the claim. Please get in touch with me via my numbers below or by my alternative email alfredmichaelesq@yahoo.co.jp and send to me your telephone and fax numbers to enable us discuss further on this transaction which will be done legally and risk free. Best Regards,
Alfred Michael(Esq.)