Post A Scam
Scam: #5259

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 12/19/2011
  • Severity: 10

Bill me later

Using religion to scam & collecting Wills & Trusts & changing them to benefit her chuirch

Us, California

This woman had me roofed while attending an ABA para legal program at FJC. Then she me ran me off the road with a woman from her church named Barminski. Then she had drugs administered to her grand mother without the physicians knowledge with her step mom and she put her in an alzheimers clinic where she claims to have spent 4 million of the grandmother's money on an eight room facility. The only homes she sold is her condo in Saticoy which was Mark Steffy's her step father who claims to be honoring God at the Ventura Community Church on the Ghetto Avenue where my grandmother had a business income property for 50 years that they also stole through a drug rehab to get all of themselves clean and sober. Her mom was a crack cocaine addict and her dad is unknown to this day but she claims to be of kin to us. She stole all of the families inheritances and paid a bankrupt attorney to re write Wills & Trusts that were not in her favor. Her grandpa was my father and he liked her but not that much. He did not write her in the Will at all. When confronted with the situation the preacher imitating Jim Baker and Tammy Fae, " Mark Steffy and Megan Steffy they rebutted with a pre staged auto accident involving me. They just broke out all of the windows in my then fiancees truck and camper hoping he would donate it to their lost cause of using God's name to have an army of gangsters run their turf wars. My parents were not good parents but this is a total shock to me that she did that to my mom I think I'm going to have to save people from these person's who minister corruption, so God's name will be safe.


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